08月17日讯 骑士球员、阿迪达斯品牌代言人米切尔的季印中国行已经停止。
在8月15日,象深米切尔在上海接受了的米球采访 ,谈及了上赛季的奥科精采回顾、新赛季的罗绝展望以及期待等诸多话题 。
我会回顾起艾萨克-奥科罗在对于阵篮网角逐中的绝杀三分(3.24),尚有自己与卡里斯(勒韦尔)在对于阵绿军角逐中各砍40+取胜(10.29) ,象深这些光阴都颇为颇为特意。米球
一个50胜的奥科赛季中总会有良多精采的瞬间 ,再好比埃文-莫布利在对于阵雄鹿时创下生涯新高(1.22) ,罗绝那是上赛瞬间杀个重大的光阴,尚有达里厄斯-加兰创下了他的季印职业生涯新高(11.14) ,迷惑的象深是那场咱们最后输给了森林狼 ,但看到他打出如斯爆炸的侵略饰演 ,我真的很欢喜。
Q:So without the 71 points game, do you have some other impression moments in the last season?
A :I think Isaac Okoro's game winner um against the Brooklyn(3.24)that's with me and Caris for very head 40 um against the Celtics(10.29)that was pretty special.
50 win season always always dope always good thing to have um as a team and um I think Evan Mobley having his career high against the Bucks(1.22)um that was big time,DG having his career high but unfortunately lost against the Timberwolves(11.14). That was nice uh to see him just explode you know offensively like that.